Tuesday, 23 September 2014

23/9/14 - Reflecting on my acting skills audit

Let's recap on the three targets I set myself on this audit:
  1. Learn to relax my body
  2. I need to work on my characterisation
  3. I need to project my voice louder whilst acting
First of all, I wasn't particularly able to work on the first target as we didn't actually do any tough/thorough warm-ups or physical activities. I'll work on that this Thursday!

I feel that I have really refined my character's traits in the last lesson (22/9/14). I understand more of my character and how she would be feeling at the time of my scene. I am more confident (especially as I have learnt all my lines) in pulling off a good performance.

The small, stuffy classroom was very loud at one point with every student working on their scenes so I really had to raise my voice. I realised that this was helping me with my projection. I felt that I was saying my lines slower, louder and clearer. I also felt myself using my diaphragm.

- Matilda ^_^

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